Infusing with Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, or BeeswaxUpdated 2 years ago
Any food-grade oils or kinds of butter are a-OK to use with your LĒVO!
We recommend using organic ingredients, if possible, and being aware of a few things:
- Thicker oils are safe to use, but may make clean up more difficult and take longer to remove residues from the nozzle and reservoir
- For extra-thick infusions, we suggest not adding the stirrer inside the reservoir until the ingredients are completely melted. You may also remove the stirrer completely if you absolutely must as the infusion process will naturally create some movement of the liquid on its own
- Cautious to put higher-viscosity liquids in your LĒVO? No problem! Make your infusion using coconut oil inside of the LĒVO. Then, dispense the finished infusion and mix in the infused coconut oil with the shea butter/cocoa butter separately in a double boiler!